“Sharing The Love of Christ”
At Donelson Presbyterian Church we focus on the love which we have received in God’s acts toward us, and toward all people, in Jesus Christ. We have experienced this love in the stories about God and Jesus in the Bible and in our relationships with each other. We have also seen this love working in the lives of people around us.
This love is unconditional. It is not something we can earn, but something that comes to us as God’s gift when we read the Bible, when we meet together in worship and service to others, and throughout life’s journey.
This love is the greatest power in the universe. Indeed, all things in the universe derive from this love and ultimately serve this love. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, we believe that the arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice, goodness, and love.
This love is able to sustain our lives through suffering, tragedy, and joy. In the ups and downs of living, it alone can enable us not only to survive, but to thrive. When we come to church, we come to thank God for giving us this love. But we also come to gain strength to rely on this love to carry us through whatever challenges us. Further, we come to learn better how to show this love to others.
God’s love is boundless, but we know it only partially. We do not have answers to all the questions that life brings. But we do know that this love is real and because it is so beautiful and so enduring, we believe that it is the very Spirit of God among us.
By loving others as God in Jesus has loved us, we help others to see the beauty, power, and eternity of this love. We help others to give their lives to love as well, and to know its joy and its hope.
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