On the last Sunday of each month we gather as a church wide family and friends with conversation and food. If the month has four Sundays, we end Sunday school early for Doughnut Sunday, in Founder’s Hall before the service. Whenever a month has five Sundays, we go all out with our Fifth Sunday Feast. On those days, instead of holding Sunday school, we celebrate as the early church did with a meal before the service. The congregational enrichment committee sets up P. J. New Hall and provides juice, milk, and coffee, and everyone brings their favorite breakfast dish to share. The feast is a wonderful time of fellowship and getting to know each other better.
At 5:00 pm on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we hold our Thanksgiving Feast. It is a great way to start the holiday season. The church provides turkey, ham, dressing, and everyone brings a side-dish or dessert. Many members invite their extended families to join us for this joyous occasion.
On the second or third Sunday of December, we have our Christmas Caroling and Chili Supper. This event is the longest running mission at DPC. Everyone who comes joins one of several groups to go sing carols and deliver cookies to members who find it difficult to attend church. Afterward, all the groups gather back at Founder’s Hall for the chili supper and more cookies.
Salt Shakers, usually held in July and August, are covered dish suppers that provide an opportunity for members of our congregation to fellowship in small groups. If you wish to participate, you may sign up to open your home as a host or to bring a dish as an attendee. These dinners are a time to get better acquainted with some fellow church-goers that you may not yet know very well.
At some point each summer we have an old-fashioned Picnic-on-the-Grounds. We enjoy games, music, fellowship, and, of course, delicious food. It is a relaxing and fun evening. Have a favorite story or song? This is your chance for “Open Mic.”
The men of the church normally gather 5:30 pm on the third Thursday of each month for the Men’s Gathering. The time is dedicated to simple fellowship over food at one of the local restaurants sharing life and other interesting stories.
Each year in early September, the church schedules its Family Retreat at the Nacome Conference Center for a week-end to enjoy family fun, special classes and gatherings, country cooking, worship, and doing “much of nothing.” This is an opportunity to enjoy the last lazy days of Summer before Fall. Nacome has been a long standing tradition for DPC and holds many fond memories of families and friends shared over the years in a pastoral setting.