Baptism is a special way that we experience the love of God. Because God in Jesus embraces us in love before we can respond, we at DPC baptize infants. Because God’s loving embrace calls us freely to show love to others, we baptize adults. Either way, the waters of baptism shower us with the life-giving and cleansing Spirit of God. Because God’s love is unconditional, we need only be baptized once. God’s love is reliable, and when it is experienced once it is experienced forever.
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is also a special way we experience the love of God. By taking together bread and drink, we call to mind Jesus’ last hours and the Spirit of divine love within him that gave of itself in the fullest possible way. In this symbolic meal, offered to all, the living Spirit of Jesus touches our hearts, empowering us to love others as God in him has loved us. We commune not only with all God’s people living and dead, we also commune with the Lord who died and was raised in the power of God’s love.